Rokuen art task list


NumberCustomerPayment successful?Art typeDeadlinesStarted?what part of the processPrioretet?
ExampleNicknameExample or PrivateYes or No or otherHow much characters, style, and "have other option?"²Yes(and data¹ or time for do) or NoYes(data¹) and NoSketch or Colour or Shade or OtherYes or No
1Leo_GreenforYes1 character, non-line, backgroundNoYes 2024.04.05Sketch/blockingNo
2XenoYesReferences (with disign)+artNo (frozen)Yes 2024.05.05Design/SketchHalf-no

¹ date in format YYYY.MM.DD
² i don't say what option, just say something there

_Not pay activity_

NumberCustomerWhat it?Type of activityArt typeDeadlinesStarted?what part of the processPrioretet?
ExampleNicknameExample or PrivateWhat i need to draw or SecretRequest or Trade or Collaboration or otherHow much characters, style, and "have other option?"²Yes(and data¹ or time for do) or NoYes(data¹) and NoSketch or Colour or Shade or OtherYes or No
1@LukeVT2 twt---PrizePortraitNoNo---No

¹ date in format YYYY.MM.DD
² i don't say what option, just say something there


Endless night

Undertale AU, apocalypse, dark theme, psychological, humor Status: Semi-frozen, reload
Base here
Page status: 1,2 page done

??? Art magia (coming soon)

Alternative reality, magic, humor
Status: not realising, designing

Endless loop (coming soon)

Minecraft, philosophy, journey
Status: not realising, designing

Visit counting